Call our friendly florists (09) 836 0028

Call our friendly florists 09 836 0028

Show by Occasion

School Ball

Our charge for a wrist corsage is $50.00 incl GST.  For a matching Buttonhole Arrangement please add $20.00

If you wish to order a Wrist Corsage for a school ball please give us at least 24 hours notice - Corsages are quite time consuming to put together and we work on a first in first served basis. If you place an order at the last minute we may not be able to accept it.

Below are some examples of our wrist corsage work:



Please call us to discuss your requirements.  Particularly, we will need to know the colour of the dress to ensure the Corsage is complimentary and your preference as to the shape and style of the corsage.

Please note that our Wrist Corsage's are wired rather than glued. Wiring the Corsage ensures that it will not fall apart if you accidentally brush it against something or someone during the event. Some florists glue their Corsages, which does allow them to charge less for their work, but often means their Corsages will break apart as your evening progresses.