Call our friendly florists (09) 836 0028

Call our friendly florists 09 836 0028

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Let us make your business look amazing (from just $50.00 per week including gst)


Morrison's Florist has been keeping Auckland board rooms and reception areas well dressed for 40 years and counting! If your corporate space is in need of an extra touch of elegance, or if your current florist's work has started to lose its lustre let us know.


The photos below are examples of our recent work:



For board room and reception flowers contact our professional florists to arrange a site visit.  They will then discuss your requirements and having seen the space, advise on the most effective strategies for achieving the right look for your workplace.


If you like what we are offering (and we are sure you will!) we can adorn your workspace with beautiful fresh flowers as often as you require.

Our amazing florists can be contacted on (09) 836 0028.