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Florist's Choice Bouquet
Picture is indicative of the SIZE of a $85.00 value Florist's Choice Pastel Bouquet - NOT OF THE FLOWERS YOU WILL RECEIVE.
Our florists will use the best value flowers on the day to create your arrangement.
Keep it simple with Florist's Choice!
- Choose between Bright, Pastel or Cream & White flowers.
- Choose how much you want to spend
A Florist's Choice Bouquet is a great choice for sending to a home or where the recipient will have a vase handy.
(If you are sending to a hospital or workplace we recommend our Florist's Choice Vox)
All our bouquets are sent wet wrapped to ensure they arrive looking great - and flower care instructions are included to help the recipient keep them looking that way!
Additional $15 for Auckland Metropolitan Delivery / $20 for Outer Auckland Delivery (added at checkout)
No additional charge for pickup